Learning to drive - Advice for parents

Dad, can I borrow the car..
I know, I know, it seems only yesterday you had to do everything for them, and I mean everything! Now, they’ve just announced over dinner that they want to learn to drive! There’s no way this child in front of me could learn to drive a car, they can’t even boil an egg for goodness sake… is all you can think, but at the back of your mind you have been preparing yourself for this moment (the most proactive may have even been saving up for it already) and you knew it was coming.
Once you’ve come to terms with it, you’re are going to have to decide what to do. You’re a good, proactive parent so your gonna make damn sure they learn properly so you can be sure that they not only pass their test but also that they are not going to be a danger to themselves or other road users, now and in the future.
Ok, Lessons?
For a brief moment you will consider teaching them yourselves, then you’ll recall the time you did try to teach them to boil and egg and you couldn’t even get them to get the egg in the pan without cracking it! And then, the real honest part of you, the part that only you talk to reminds you that whilst you are confident you are a ‘good’ driver you wouldn’t in all honesty give yourself much more than a 50/50 chance of passing a driving test.
So, its going to have to be someone else, but who? You turn to google and start trying to find the right Instructor, but what criteria do I use? You know how to find a hotel, you have your strategy; Search Booking.com by price, skip past the ones that are out of question based on the photos, settle on a couple of options and then see which has the best reviews on Trip Advisor, simples!
The issue with Driving Instructors is that there isn’t a Booking.Com, we do have photos but you’re not interested in the slightest in what we look like, and whilst there are reviews out there they just aren’t independent and comprehensive in the way Trip Advisor is. You know from experience that cheapest is rarely best, and that introductory offers are just that and not really representative of the whole deal.
So, how are you going to decide? Well, what I would say from experience is that one person’s dream instructor is another’s nightmare. In much the same way you had your favourite teacher at school, who you just connected with because they had a way of explaining things that just made sense to you.
Why Alistair Powell Instruction?
Now, this is the part where I explain that I am exactly the person you are looking for.
However, I’m not going to do that… I can’t, because I have no idea about you, or your eager teenager for that matter, so how could I tell you what I would do? This is the crux of it, everyone learns differently and tailoring instruction around the learner is what we do. As a parent of a 7 and 5 year old myself I really like to know more about the person who is going to be teaching them and that doesn’t change as they get older.
To this end I uniquely offer a Parental Consultation Service. Completely free of charge and with no obligation you can CALL / TEXT / MESSAGE / TWEET me direct to find out more about me before you send them off in car with the guy or gal offering the most reasonable price and the best photos on their website.
Parental Consultation Service
A completely free of charge service which allows you to get to know your instructor before the commencement of any in-car lessons. ● Choose your contact method (CALL / TEXT / MESSAGE / TWEET) ● Ask whatever you want and receive a full response within 24hrs* ● No obligation service ● Not available in conjunction with any other offers To request this service contact me